Tuesday, 3 December 2013

The mayor's relief stash - how he hoarded the goods while deciding how to profit from them...

relief goods hidden from those that need them.

Relief goods piled up, locked away, and rotting as people starve.

More relief goods rotting away while the mayor works out how to make money out of them
The church teamed up with the mayor to lock relief goods away from those that needed it... BASTARDS !!!
Relief supplies hidden by the mayor
Hidden relief goods again
Zoom in if you can, and see how many, and how big the guns are guarding this off loading..
That is not to stop the crowd going wild. All you need to do with these lovely people is tell them to wait in line, and they will wait in line. They did panic a bit on day 9 when the first relief food arrived as they were rather hungry, but by this time they had had a few meals.
Middle of pic, the men in blue tee shirts. You can see just one of the guns hanging off the back of one of them. There were at least a dozen guns surrounding the food.
This is a couple of hours after the unloading. It had disappeared when I returned a couple of hours later.

The mayor with hat on surrounded by US marines, being told "Those goods are US property sir, they are relief goods, not stage show goods, NOW GET THEM OFF THE FUCKIN STAGE AND GIVE THEM TO THE PEOPLE" HOOOORAY !!! FOR THE US MARINES> I REALLY MEAN THAT, THEY WERE GREAT>
First chopper on day 9.... Thank you the US Navy. They were the first in, and made no show about helping, they just helped.

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